Monday, March 31, 2014

La Hora del Planeta quiere hacer conciencia sobre el medio ambiente

La Hora del Planeta pide a los habitantes de más de 150 países que apaguen las luces entre las 20:30 y las 21:30 horas, tiempo local. (WWF/Cortesía).

¿Qué es la Hora del Planeta?

(CNNMéxico) - Si no tienes plan para la noche de este sábado 29 de marzo tal vez podrías agendar 60 minutos para unirte a la Hora del Planeta, una iniciativa del Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF, por sus siglas en inglés) que tiene como propósito hacer conciencia sobre el cuidado del medio ambiente.

Este 29 de marzo a las 20:30 horas (tiempo del centro de México) más de 150 países apagarán simbólicamente sus luces durante 60 minutos para dar un respiro al medio ambiente de los efectos del calentamiento global.

La importancia de la iniciativa es que "las acciones van más allá, apagamos las luces por una hora, pero se generan compromisos que se dan durante todo el año" dijo Mariana Panuncio, directora de Cambio Climático para América Latina y el Caribe del WWF, en entrevista con CNN en Español.

La Plaza Roja de Moscú, el Big Ben en Londres, la Ópera de Sidney, las Torres Petronas en Kuala Lumpur, el Empire State Building de Nueva York o el Obelisco de Buenos Aires permanecerán apagados durante una hora con esta iniciativa.

En la Ciudad de México, el evento de apagado de luces ocurrirá en el Altar a la Patria, conocido como Monumento a los Niños Héroes y también quedarán en la penumbra el Ángel de la Independencia, la Diana Cazadora, el Castillo de Chapultepec, el Monumento a la Revolución, el Hemiciclo a Juárez, la Fuente de las Cibeles, la Catedral Metropolitana y el edificio de Correos, de acuerdo con un comunicado de la Secretaría de Medio Ambiente de la Ciudad de México.

El evento en la Ciudad de México también contará con la participación de grupos musicales como Jenny and the Mexicats, una carrera ciclista nocturna y la formación del número 60 -emblema oficial de la Hora del Planeta- por parte de 100 niños vestidos como el "Hombre Araña", quien fue elegido como embajador de la Hora del Planeta en 2014.

Otras 50 ciudades en México participarán en la iniciativa entre las que se encuentran Guadalajara, Monterrey, Tijuana, Chihuahua, Puebla, Veracruz, entre otras. Aquí puedes conocer las actividades en cada localidad.

La Hora del Planeta inició el 31 de marzo de 2007 en Sidney, Australia donde 2 millones de personas comenzaron a apagar la luz como una iniciativa para ahorrar energía en la ciudad. Siete años después, en 2013, ciudadanos de 153 países de todos los continentes, incluyendo la Antártida, apagaron sus luces. Más de 1,300 monumentos y edificios representativos en las urbes se oscurecieron, según el WWF.

Con información de EFE

Encuentra este artículo con: Hora del Planeta, verde, sábado, 20:30, apagar luces, WWF, Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza, medio ambiente, conciencia, 150 países, México

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Consumer Reports: Great online ways to save on shopping

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The team at ShopSmart, the shopping magazine from the publisher of Consumer Reports, regularly sweeps the Web for the latest and greatest shopping sites and apps. Each site meets ShopSmart's requirements for privacy, contact-info disclosure and service. Best for automatic rewards for shopping. The search engine's new rewards program gives you points for doing Web searches at the site and trying new features. Subscribe to get started, then redeem your points for Redbox rentals, earn money for charities and get gift cards to use at, Starbucks and other major retailers. Don't Miss: The Refer a Friend program lets you earn rewards for recruiting others. Best for coupons and cash back. As if saving money weren't great enough, this site helps you make money, too. Head here to find a promo code before you complete your next online order. And be sure to sign in before checking out at participating sites; you'll earn cash back for anything you buy. Don't Miss: The Price Compare Cactus Exclusives section offers special codes. Best for protecting your personal info. Liking your favorite brands on Facebook is a great way to see what's new and get special offers. But the trade-off is that you might be granting access to your personal info. This browser add-on reveals everyone you've given permission to raid your data, alerts you in real time when anyone tries to view it and makes it easy to revoke the privilege. Don't Miss: The free app for Android and Apple. Best for tracking all of your purchases. Register the email address you use for online purchases and it keeps a record of every transaction, stores your receipts and alerts you if you're eligible for a price reduction or refund. Want to know when that package of goodies will arrive? It tells you that, too. Don't Miss: Slice & Dice charts your spending categories. You might be surprised to learn what percentage of your cash is spent on shoes, for example!

The best shopping apps include:

Bondsy: Get rid of your unwanted stuff easily; no visits from creepy strangers required. This app helps you sell to or trade with your friends and friends of friends. Works on Apple.

CheckPoints: Scan grocery product bar codes, play games and watch videos to earn points. Then redeem them for gift cards, frequent-flyer miles, Facebook game credits, gadgets or charitable donations. Works on Android and Apple.

EcoBonus: Earn rewards for buying with the environment in mind. Scan your receipts and enter product codes for wholesome brands such as Annie's Homegrown and Seventh Generation, then redeem points for stuff or donate them to charity. Works on Android and Apple.

Goodzer: No more running from store to store in search of just the right necklace to complement your date-night outfit. Instead, just type what you're looking for into this app and it searches mom-and-pop stores and chain stores to show you ones that have it nearby and how much they're charging. Works on Apple.

Pounce: See a must-have product advertised in a circular or catalog? Just snap a photo of it and this new tool lets you "pounce" on the item - that is, buy it via the app, directly from the retailer. It currently works for Ace Hardware, Babies R Us, Staples, Target and Toys R Us; look for more retailers to be added. Works on Apple.

By the Editors of Consumer Reports (

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Jorge Arvizu, el dueño de "miles de voces" en los doblajes al español

Arvizu falleció durante la madrugada de este martes (Getty Images).

(CNNMéxico) - Sea tras el rostro de Pedro Picapiedra, El Superagente 86, El Pájaro Loco o algún otro personaje emblemático del cine y la televisión, pero al menos tres generaciones de mexicanos han escuchado alguna vez la voz de Jorge Arvizu.

Arvizu, fallecido este martes, legó un abanico de interpretaciones en español que incluye también al Tío Lucas de Los Locos Adams, el Gato Félix, el Pájaro Loco, Huckleberry Hound, Canito y Canuto y a dos miembros de la pandilla de Don Gato: Benito Bodoque y Cucho (el de acento yucateco).

En cine, interpretó a Michael Corleone en las primeras dos versiones de El Padrino y participó en cintas animadas como La Dama y el Vagabundo, Cars y Ratatouille recientemente.

Arvizu nació en Celaya, en julio de 1932.

Aunque no tuvo una educación formal como actor -en distintas entrevistas se jactó de haber estudiado hasta la primaria y de dominar su oficio de forma autodidacta-, fue reconocido como actor y director de doblaje, productor y escritor de cine y teatro.

Un "rebelde" del doblaje

La carrera de más de seis décadas de Arvizu inició de forma fortuita, primero como publicista callejero sosteniendo a sus 17 años carteles de un refresco de naranja -gritaba vestido de granjero "hay naranjas, hay naranjas" mientras regalaba frutas a los niños- y luego en una revista fílmica producida por los reconocidos productores mexicanos Manuel y Jorge Barbachano, explicó Arvizu en septiembre de 2011 en entrevista con la revista Chilango.

En esa producción, Arvizu doblaba distintas voces para dar un sentido cómico a personajes grabados previamente en la calle. Desde un piso debajo del estudio donde grababa, el joven fue escuchado por los dobladores Mr. Lee y Edmundo Santos (la voz del ratón Miguelito), quienes lo invitaron a trabajar con ellos.

"Cuando llegué, se me quedaron viendo porque yo no era actor de cine o de radio, como el resto del equipo, pero aprendí solito", dijo Arvizu a Chilango.

En una entrevista para el Canal 11 realizada en 2011 dijo que consideraba "cursis" los primeros doblajes de películas al español -traducciones interpretadas por actores de radio "con voces muy impostadas y melodiosas"-, por lo decidió cambiar el sistema de doblaje para hacer que las voces fueran más acorde a las situaciones, según explicó.

"Yo siempre he sido un poco rebelde, porque lo que aprendí en la vida yo me lo hice... entonces me sueltan un día como director (de doblaje) y empecé a cambiar el sistema, porque nadie era capaz de cambiar lo que estaba escrito, porque se atrevían muy poco a darle carácter al (personaje) que estaba doblando".

En la compañía de Carlos David Ortigosa, donde trabajaba, Arvizu llegó a prestar su voz en tres películas diariamente, por lo que algunas estimaciones cifran en 20,000 el número de sus participaciones en cintas, según dijo.

"¡Quiero mi cocoool!"

Pese a que algunos de sus doblajes como los de Pedro Picapiedra y el Super Agente 86 (zapatófono incluido) llevaron su voz fuera de México y hasta países como Argentina, el verdadero rostro de Arvizu cobró popularidad a fines de los setentas bajo el nombre de un personaje incidental: el Tata.

El Tata (una palabra indígena común para referirse a padres o abuelos) era un viejo de bata roja a cuadros y cabello desaliñado vecino de La criada bien criada (interpretada por María Victoria) en la serie cómica del mismo nombre. Cuando no contradecía a sus vecinos más jóvenes, el Tata pedía a gritos el único alimento que su dentadura senil le permitía comer, un pan mexicano conocido como cocol.

Ante el éxito del personaje, el Tata volvió a aparecer más tarde en las series La Carabina de Ambrosio y La casa de huéspedes.

Benito Bodoque apoya a López Obrador

Durante las campañas rumbo a la elección presidencial de 2012, Arvizu puso a dos de sus personajes más entrañables, Benito Bodoque y Cucho, al servicio del candidato de izquierda, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. (El veterano del doblaje en México se había reencontrado con estos personajes luego de 30 años en un remake de Don Gato y su pandilla presentado en 2011).

En un spot propagandístico de unos 40 segundos, Arvizu apareció hablándole a los mexicanos "con el corazón".

"Por favor ya despertemos y hagamos algo por el país, si no imagínense lo que van a decir nuestros hijos", dijo. Luego, con voz de Benito añadió: "Ya despierten, vamos a cambiar a México con Morena", el Movimiento Regeneración Nacional de López Obrador. Al final, con voz de Cucho remataba: "Y usted ya no se apendeje, vamos con El Peje ", el apodo del candidato.

El anuncio fue considerado una acción anticipada de campaña y le valió a la coalición de izquierda una sanción de la autoridad electoral por siete millones y medio de pesos, mientras que Arvizu recibió críticas por su filiación política.

Suffolk OTB finalizes casino deal

WOODBURY - News 12 Long Island has learned that Suffolk OTB has finalized a Discount with a Buffalo company to run a casino.

The casino would have 1,000 slots, a horse betting area, restaurants, bars and parking for 1,500 cars.

There is no word yet on a location.

READ MORE: Long Island Top Stories

The company, Delaware North, guarantees Suffolk OTB will get $4 million the first year.

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Tuesday, March 18, 2014

So now who wins the Premier League?

Well after it seemed like Chelsea were somewhat running away with the Premier League - Aston Villa have really now put the cat amongst the pigeons with their 2-0 win over Jose Mourinho's men. So now we have Manchester City just six points behind with three games in hand - and no other competitions to worry about - and Liverpool and Arsenal four points behind Chelsea each with a game in hand.

But Chelsea are still very much in the Champions League at the time of writing and that's surely the trophy "the special one" craves more than any other whilst at Stamford Bridge. This is the one that eluded him in his previous spell at Chelsea and it was obviously the one that Roman Abramaovich wanted more than any other. Of course, Mourinho has won the Champions League with both Porto and Inter Milan. But he failed at Chelsea and Real Madrid - an d he'd dearly love to become the only manager to win it with three different clubs.

This may help shift his players' focus slightly off the Premier League and allow Man City to fill the gap. In fact, it may have already happened. Man City look capable of achieving maximum points over their remaining fixtures given their complete lack of distraction - in which case, nothing could stop them of course. This is why they're now 6/5 favourites followed by Chelsea at around 7/4, Liverpool now 4/1 after the draw against Manchester United - then a gap to Arsenal at 12-1 after their win against Spurs.

What will be really interesting is the dynamic between the two men at the helm of Chelsea and Man City. This is a game of poker between Manuel Pellegrini - a gentleman in the true sense of the word who nothing seems to particularly perturb on the one hand, and the fiery Jose Mourinho, on the other hand. Mourinho is a past master at manipulating situations - using the media to its full extent to try and get under the skin of opposition managers and players. You can bet he'll try all the tricks in the book over the remainder of the season.

Interestingly, though, perhaps Liverpool hold the key to the door of this year's Premier League title. Brendan Rodgers' side have been a revelation this season and were unlucky not to get any points from their away fixtures at either the Etihad or Stamford Bridge both in the space of three days after Christmas - having dominated both games for long periods. Liverpool have yet to host both Manchester City, on April 13th, and Chelsea a fortnight later. So in many ways, the outcome of the season will depend on what Liverpool make it. Luis Suarez is, of course, the most prolific scorer in the Premier League and a heck of a force to be reckoned with. He'll be determined to make amends and to end the season on a high as we count down towards Brazil and the world cup draw date Cup - where the Uruguayan will face England on July 19th - a game he'll surely be relishing.

Whatever happens - this has already been the most exciting Premier League campaign to date - and it just keeps on getting better. So now who wins the Premier League?


Wednesday, March 5, 2014

How to handle unused coupons

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My recent column on "Discount fairies" - people who leave unwanted coupons on store shelves for others to pick up - generated a lot of comments from readers and retailers alike. Not surprisingly, the store employees that wrote in were grateful that the issue of unwanted coupons littering shelves and refrigerator cases was addressed. Many consumers wrote with suggestions on what to do with extra, unwanted coupons:

Dear Jill:

I just read your article about coupon fairies, and I wanted to share an idea with these generous souls that will allow them to still help others with the coupons they have left over. Many churches have a food pantry or food drives during different times of the year. Donate your coupons to a local church and allow them to use them to stock their pantries to serve the less fortunate in our communities. Keep that giving spirit alive!

- Amy B.

Dear Jill:

A local home for victims of domestic violence collects unwanted coupons in our area too. They prefer that the coupons not be cut as their wards cut coupons. They are always in need of donations & this is a small way to help.

- Gwen R.

Dear Jill:

I read your column every Sunday. Thank you for all the useful tips. I enjoyed your column about the coupon fairies. We also had coupon fairies here. The stores here let it be known they did not want the fairies leaving coupons all over the store. So I take my unwanted and expired coupons to my local VFW for the Ladies Auxiliary. They then send these to our military bases overseas for the men and women and families in the military. Manufacturers will honor these expired coupons for six months after the expiration date for our military personnel overseas. I find this very rewarding and a win-win way to help. I get rid of all the coupons I don't use, plus all of my expired coupons and I am also helping people and supporting our troops.

- Jean B.

Our church accepts coupons, which they mail overseas to military bases. We just take them to church on Sunday. I am sure many other churches do the same thing. Love your column!"

- Joy S.

Dear Jill:

Just read your column on coupon fairies and saw that store managers are not too happy about them. You have probably addressed this in the past, but please advise your readers that they can send unused and expired coupons to our troops overseas! You do have to pay to ship them, but it is such a blessing for them to receive them and you can combine with others to share the cost.

- Cathy M.

While on the topic of expiring coupons, reader Gianna writes with a great question: When is it safe to recycle your coupon inserts?

Dear Jill:

I am an avid couponer who uses your 'clipless' method of only cutting what I need and keeping the rest of the coupons in the newspaper insert every week. But how do I know when everything in the insert has expired and I can safely discard it without throwing out any coupons still valid? Got a trick for us for this?

- Gianna P.

Absolutely! On the first of the month, every month, I post a list of expired inserts on my blog at An insert doesn't make the list until every coupon inside has expired. Simply check the list, and if your insert's name and date is on it, it's safe to recycle, discard, or pass on to another organization.

Smart Living Tip: Many readers echoed the sentiment to send unwanted coupons to military bases, as they can indeed be used six months after the expiration dates. You can learn more about this at the following websites, all of which will help you get started:, and

Jill Cataldo, a coupon workshop instructor, writer and mother of three, never passes up a good deal. Learn more about Super-Couponing at her website, Email your own couponing victories and questions to

Friday, February 28, 2014

Crane Naval Base Trees Harvested To Restore 'Old Ironsides'

Trees at Naval Support Activity Crane are being cut down to help restore an 18th century ship used in the War of 1812.

As reported earlier, the trees will be used to replace decaying wood on the sides or hull of the USS Constitution, world's oldest commissioned warship still afloat, in Boston.

The USS Constitution received the nickname "old navy locations Ironsides" while engaging British ships during the War of 1812.

Navy foresters and contractors from Naval Facilities Engineering Command Midwest's Public Works Department Crane began harvesting mature white oak trees last week.

"For Crane being in Southern Indiana, it's not close to the ocean, it's not close to any major waterways really, but it's really nice to have this tie to the fleet and to an important part of the Navy's seagoing heritage," says NSA Crane spokesman Bill Crouch.

The trees are similar to the timber used to build the ship more than 200 years ago.

The foresters have a limited window each year they can harvest timber because of the weather and because the forest is home to the endangered Indiana bat that roosts there from the spring to the fall.

Thirty-five trees that were cut down are being moved to a covered storage area on base. They will remain there until the people repairing the USS Constitution say they are needed. Additional trees could also be harvested if needed.

The process has been years in the making.

The Navy first started examining what repairs the ship needed in 1991. At that time, the group in charge of the restoration asked Crane officials if they could provide any timber.

Crane selected a number of trees they thought would be suitable and allowed those to grow untouched until this year.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tesla Battery Jolts Shares to Highs on Power Grid Disruption

(Updates share price in fifth paragraph.)

Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Tesla Motors Inc.'s plan to boost battery production by building what Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk calls a "gigafactory" may do more to transform the power industry than it does to advance the electric car.

Utility customers throughout the U.S. have already begun turning to battery storage and solar panels as a way of reducing electricity bills and their dependency on local power companies. The trend threatens the more than 100-year-old monopoly utility business model that books about $360 billion in annual power sales.

By lowering the cost of energy-storage with its lithium-ion batteries, Tesla could accelerate the disruption of the electric utility business as it doubles its share of the global car market to about 1 percent, Adam Jonas, a Morgan Stanley analyst, wrote in a note yesterday. Morgan Stanley's note helped push Tesla's market value above $30 billion for the first time yesterday, as the company's Model S sedan also became the first U.S. car to receive Consumer Reports ' "best overall pick" in the magazine's annual ranking.

"If it can be a leader in commercializing battery packs, investors may never look at Tesla the same way again," said Jonas, who rates the shares the equivalent of a Online Deals. "If Tesla can become the world's low-cost producer in energy storage, we see significant optionality for Tesla to disrupt adjacent industries."

Utility Obsolescence

Tesla gained 5.8 percent to $262.32 at 9:38 a.m. in New York. The shares have climbed more than sevenfold in the past year. The company has said it may partner on the new battery plant with Panasonic Corp., which rose 5.3 percent to close at 1,259 yen in Tokyo trading, the highest in about three weeks.

NRG Energy Inc. Chief Executive Officer David Crane, who says the U.S. utility industry is doomed to obsolescence unless it changes, drives himself to work every day in his Tesla Model S.

Tesla's Musk told Bloomberg Television last week that the company plans to provide details on a proposed "gigafactory" to produce the batteries needed to make more affordable vehicles. With each Tesla capable of storing enough energy to power the average house for 3.5 days, a growing population of Tesla cars represents a significant increase in how much electricity can be held in a country's infrastructure.

' Holy Grail '

Worldwide, the market for energy storage is expected to grow from about $500 million to about $12 billion in 2023, according to Navigant Consulting Inc.

Homeowners might use battery storage, combined with solar power, to further reduce their dependence on utilities and potentially sell electricity back to the grid, a new business model known as distributed generation. Batteries allow customers with solar panels to store energy during the day and then tap the excess overnight when the sun goes down.

"Battery storage is the holy grail of the distributed generation movement," said Travis Miller, an analyst at Morningstar Inc. "If developers can create a high-capacity battery technology, it opens the door to a significant increase in options for customers to supply their own power."

While still considered too expensive for wide-scale adoption, a drastic reduction in the cost of home energy storage systems would be a "game changer," American Electric Power Co. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Nick Akins said during an interview last year.

"If you can get batteries cheap enough and combine them with solar panels, you no longer need the utility," said Sam Jaffe, an analyst with Navigant. "Then the question is how cheap does it have to be? And it has to be really, really, really cheap."

New Partnerships

Tesla would have to reduce the costs of its batteries by more then 70 percent for it to make sense for most homeowners to producer their own electricity, Jaffe said.

Companies already are tapping into grid storage. NRG Energy said a year ago it started selling power from electric cars to the nation's largest power grid in a partnership with the University of Delaware. SolarCity Corp. is now offering Tesla batteries as part of a power-storage system for commercial customers in parts of California and New England that will reduce utility bills and provide electricity during blackouts.

SunPower Corp., the second-largest U.S. solar-panel maker, said in December that it was testing use of power-storage systems to couple with its rooftop solar units.

California has opened up the market for the technology by requiring the state's utilities to use 1.3 gigawatts of storage by the end of this decade.

California Innovation

Musk and SolarCity CEO Lyndon Rive are scheduled to speak on innovation before state regulators on Feb. 27, according to an e-mailed statement today from the California Public Utilities Commission.

"The scale of Tesla's battery production, even for its own use as an auto manufacturer, thrusts the company into 'key player' status for grid storage," Morgan Stanley's Jonas said in his note.

The battery plant would be built with partners, and "there's a likelihood Panasonic would be part of it," Musk told Bloomberg last week. Panasonic Corp. is both a Tesla investor and its main supplier of lithium-ion cells. Panasonic's participation is "not 100 percent confirmed," he said.

"Nothing has been decided at this stage, however Panasonic has a cooperative relationship with Tesla, and the company will look into a variety of options," Chieko Gyobu, a spokeswoman for Panasonic, said by e-mail.

--With assistance from Christopher Martin and Niamh Ring in New York and Grace Huang in Tokyo. Editors: Susan Warren, Tina Davis

To contact the reporter on this story: Mark Chediak in San Francisco at

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Susan Warren at

Friday, February 7, 2014

Macy's Coupons 2014: 25% off Promo Codes,Free Shipping Discount & Deals

Dallas, TX -- ( SBWIRE) -- 01/28/2014 -- True-blue shoppers will be happy to know that Macy's, after 155 years of service, remains one of the top retail shops to keep a shopping eye out for this 2014. Originally named R. H. Macy & Co. after its founder Rowland Hussey Macy, Macy's, Inc. has been recognized in 2012 as the biggest department store chain by retail sales, and the 16th biggest-earning retailer in the entire country in 2013.

Macy's, as a chain of department stores, caters to mid-range up to the upscale market. Established in 1858, Macy's Inc. is now located in 793 areas across the United States, and densely around Midtown Manhattan, New York City. Known for catering to the popular culture market with a wide variety of goods, it is not surprising how Macy's has remain active with annual local community activities like Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - a tradition it has started since the early 1920s, and fireworks sponsorship of the city's annual Fourth of July celebrations.

In store for their following are a plethora of private brands that are manufactured and exclusively released at Macy's alone - or as Macy's shoppers know all too well, sold with "Only at Macy's".

With the internet age, Macy's has made their goods available to more shoppers. Their online aisles include home - dining, bed and bath sections; aisles for men and women - clothing, footwear, apparel, handbags, jewelries, watches and other accessories; and kid's section. Aside from the private "Only at Macy's" labels, Macy's carry some of the most popular, quality brands in the market such as Lenox, Mikasa, Waterford, Anolon, Breville, Fiesta, Charter Club, Ralph Lauren, Martha Stewart Collection for their home, and bed & bath section; Michael Kors, Eileen Fisher, Alfani, Sean John, INC International Concepts, Calvin Klein, Naturalizer, Nine West, Steve Madden products for their men, women, junior and kids' sections; and Anne Klein, Kipling, Michael Kors, Nine West for their handbags and accessories collection.

2014 Macy's Deal Of The Day
Macy's has always been big on Promo Codes, and shoppers the world over will be happy to know that, whether shopping online or in their actual brick and mortar stores, 2014 will be no different when it comes to great discounts, slash-offs, sales, and promo codes.

Great Discounts for Men's Sale
The first, most notable promo code for the year is Macy's Men's Private Sale with 25% discount. To avail of the discount, shoppers will simply have to click the "Get Promo Code" button, copy the code that will be given, and paste it on the box upon their online check out at Macy's. Fast, easy, convenient, and of course, a great money-saver.

Home Furniture and Women Apparel Deals
Men aren't the only shoppers expected to get excited upon entry into 2014. In store for women are Macy's 40% off on selected Adidas items for women. Calvin Klein Jeans, and selected men's and women's shoes and footwear are also out on sale with up to 50% to 80% discount and free shipping.

Aside from apparel and accessories, women get to refurbish and redecorate their homes this 2014 with great deals and discounts on furniture, house ware, cookware, kitchenware, on brands like Corelle, and 20% off on selected cookware.

Macy's is being its usual generous self and shoppers will be glad to know that savings can come in different forms at Macy's. Aside from their discount and free shipping promos, Macy's is also offering free shipping for US orders that are as low as $99 on clothing, shoes, and accessories. The free shipping promo is also extended to any $50 beauty products, cosmetics, or skin care items.

Macy's Hot Deals and Free Gifts
For every $99 purchase or order of Giani Bernini Handbag or Giani Bernini Wallet, shoppers get a lovely free key chain. They also get free beauty products, and 3 free fragrance samples for every $65 purchase of fragrances and perfumes.

No promo codes or discount codes are needed to avail and enjoy these free products. These free products are automatically given away upon check out of any qualifying purchase or orders.

Giving gifts this 2014 is also made easier for Macy's shoppers with Macy's e-gift cards. For those who can't seem to decide on the best gift to give their loved ones for the coming 2014 occasions - like the upcoming Valentine's Day this February, graduation, mother's day, and father's day - Macy's is offering gift cards for as low as $10. Other e-gift cards are also made available by Macy's online affiliates where shoppers can enjoy 6%-11% on various e-gift card discounts.

DiscountsStory is one of the best places to find promo codes, deals, and special offers. We make it easy for you to find the most valuable ones for your favorite online retailers. We have the best deals on what you want, making it easier than ever to get the deepest discounts.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Build Your Own PC on the Cheap with Amazon's Deal of the Day

There are few tech rites of passage more rewarding than building your own PC, but if cost is your main concern, you can pick up some great discounts on various components today from Best">Amazon's Gold Box. Below, you'll find the complete list of discounted processors, motherboards, graphics cards, cases, RAM, input devices, and more that you'll need to design the rig of your dreams. Happy building! [ Amazon]



Power Supplies







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- Lifehacker Deals (@LifehackerDeals) December 10, 2013

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- Shep McAllister (@shepmcallister) December 10, 2013


Last week, we showed you how to build your own custom PC, from picking the parts, to putting it together and installing your OS. Here's the... Read...

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Rocketcat's 'Wayward Souls' Being Submitted this Month

<Coupon Codea href="">

I've been anxious to get my hands on Rocketcat's Mage Gauntlet [$2.99] spinoff for what feels like years now. In fact, it actually has been years, since the game was originally announced as Mage Dungeon more than two years ago. It's gone through a long development cycle and several name changes since then, but at long last the game now known as Wayward Souls is finally on the cusp of being submitted to Apple.

To get an idea of what Wayward Souls is all about, this is how Rocketcat describes it: "Basically like how we wanted Mage Gauntlet to be, now designed for extreme replay value. Pick one of six characters and try to survive a randomly generated dungeon that changes every time you play. Each character has a different story, set of abilities, and unique combat style that you'll have to master. Think on your feet and fight increasingly difficult and numerous enemies as you piece together the mystery of your surroundings." And here's a recent compilation from a work-in-progress version of Wayward Souls showcasing the game's combat.

It all looks and sounds awesome, and according to Rocketcat Wayward Souls should be submitted to Apple towards the end of this month, and should hopefully be in our grubby little hands at some point in very late February or sometime in March. There will also be an in-app purchase option where you get to choose from the various names the game has held during its development. So for a buck each, you can have it be known as Mage Dungeon, Wayward, Wayward Saga or Wayward Souls. Just kidding! That doesn't exist in this game, and in fact no IAP of any kind will exist in Wayward Souls. It'll simply be a full game at the five dollar price point.

There's more discussion on Wayward Souls in our forums, and once we have word of a more concrete release date we'll be sure to tell you all about it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

January auto sales are no cause for panic

As automakers reported weak January sales, there was a welcome and healthy reaction from dealers, auto company executives and those following the industry.

Nobody is panicking.

Yes, January's sales pace of 15.24 million vehicles was well below the monthly sales estimates many Coupon Wall Street had issued over the last two weeks. But the slew of storms and the severe cold weather that hammered much of the country last month is the reason many are not concerned.

(Read more: GM, Ford sales sink on weather)

"We had days last month when nobody came in the showroom," said Scott Adams, who owns Adams Toyota in suburban Kansas City. "When it warmed up a few days later, we had a lot of customers. In fact, we had a few record sales days for a January."

Adams' description was echoed across the industry.

Call it the continental divide. January U.S. sales were relatively strong west of the Rockies, where the weather was mild, but it was a different story east of the Rockies.

On Ford's monthly sales call, executives estimated industry sales were down 10 percent or more in the central U.S. and 1 percent to 9 percent in the East and Southeast.

( Read more: Ford: We'll roll out 16 new models in 2014)

What really did in many dealers was the second blast of storms late in the month.

"It seemed like sales rebounded and picked up in the middle of the month, but once the second polar vortex hi, dealers couldn't recover the lost sales," said Jessica Caldwell with

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

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Newark, DE -- ( SBWIRE) -- 01/22/2014 -- JCPenney or JCP, is a large chain of American department stores. They operate over 1,100 department stores across all 50 US states, as well as previously operating a catalogue business. As well as selling conventional merchandise, JCP stores also often house leased departments such as "Seattle's Best Coffee", portrait studios, and jewellery repair. JCPenney stocks a huge range of clothing for men, women and children, as well as a department for home items such as furniture, decorations and accessories. With such a huge range of products available from JCPenney, it's no surprise that they have literally dozens of top coupon codes on offer at any given time to save their customers money on their purchases.

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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Turbulent NFC Boosts Redskins' Comeback Hopes

David Elfin

David Elfin began writing about sports when he was a junior at...

Washington fans, you're not alone in wallowing in grief about your football team's failures. Five of the other six teams that fired their coaches during the last 19 days weren't on mere one-year downslides.

And even Houston, which coldly canned gary kubiak stroke Kubiak on Dec. 6 barely a month after he suffered a "mini-stroke" during a game, hasn't known a lot of success. Its first-round victories in the 2011 and 2012 playoffs both came against Cincinnati (which hasn't triumphed in postseason in 33 years) and are the highlights of the 12-year-old franchise's resume. Bill O'Brien is the Texans' new coach.

Tampa Bay, which axed Greg Schiano and hired former Chicago coach/ex-Buccaneers linebackers coach Lovie Smith as its third coach in four years, has reached the playoffs just twice, going 0-2, since it captured the Super Bowl 11 years ago.

Tennessee, which replaced the homegrown Mike Munchak with former Arizona coach Ken Whisenhunt, has made the playoffs five times since coming up just short in the Super Bowl 14 seasons ago but hasn't done so since 2008. The Titans' last postseason victory came in 2003, six years after they moved from Houston where, as the Oilers, they last won a title in 1961. Over the next 35 years, they reached postseason 12 times, claiming seven victories while losing the 1962 AFL Championship Game and the 1978 and 1979 AFC title games.

Minnesota has had the most recent success of the bunch, qualifying for five NFC Championship Games and 19 postseasons since its last Super Bowl appearance. However, that came in 1976 and dropped the Vikings to 0-4 in title games. The coach who replaces the ousted Leslie Frazier will be their eighth in 30 years since Hall of Famer Bud Grant retired after the 1983 season.

Cleveland, which preceded Houston as an expansion franchise by three years, has made the playoffs just once during its 15 seasons, losing a first-round game in 2002. Rob Chudzinski was fired on Dec. 29 after just one season. His successor will be the Browns' eighth coach - including 2004 interim boss Terry Robiskie - since they were reborn.

While the old Browns have prospered as the Baltimore Ravens, northern Ohio last celebrated a championship in 1964. In the next 31 years before the franchise moved to Maryland, the Browns reached postseason 13 times, winning six games while coming up short in NFL Championship/AFC title games in 1965 (the last pre-Super Bowl year), 1968, 1969, 1986 and 1987.

Detroit is perhaps the biggest hardship case. Since the Lions last won a championship in 1957, they've made the playoffs just 10 times, winning only one game. That was in 1991 before they were crushed by the Redskins in the NFC Championship Game. Jim Schwartz guided them to postseason in 2012, but was fired two weeks ago so their next coach will be their eighth - counting 2005 interim boss Dick Jauron - since that 1991 playoff victory.

That horrid track record makes Washington's five playoff trips and three victories since its last Super Bowl title 22 years ago this month seem almost acceptable. Jay Gruden, who replaced the fired Mike Shanahan on Jan. 9, will be the Redskins' ninth coach - counting 2000 interim mentor Robiskie - during the last two-plus decades.

So Washington is far from unique in going through these struggles and coaching changes since its last championship. That's surely small consolation to Redskins fans, but this should make them smile: it has been much easier to get to the Super Bowl in the NFC than from the AFC during this millennium.

Baltimore (2000, 2012), Indianapolis (2006, 2009), New England (2001, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2011) and Pittsburgh (2005, 2008, 2010) have won 12 of the last 13 AFC Championship Games with Oakland in 2002 the outlier. The Steelers and Ravens were eliminated from contention on the final Sunday of this season and the Colts lost in the divisional round last weekend, but the Patriots will qualify for their sixth Super Bowl berth in 13 years if they win in Denver on Sunday.

In contrast, the NFC has been crazy going back to 2000. The New York Giants (2000, 2007 and 2011) have won three NFC championship games during that span. That's the entire list of recent, multiple NFC Super Bowl entrants although that will grow when either Seattle (2005) or San Francisco (2012) wins Sunday's conference championship Game.

St. Louis (2001), Tampa Bay (2002), Carolina (2003), Philadelphia (2004), Chicago (2006), Arizona (2008), New Orleans (2009) and Green Bay (2010) have also represented the NFC of late.

What's more, the Panthers played for a title just two years after a then-record worst 1-15 campaign while the Bears and the long-downtrodden Cardinals did so just two years after each finished 5-11. So the Redskins rising from their 3-13 disaster in 2013 to the ultimate game a couple years from now isn't crazy after all.

David Elfin began writing about sports when he was a junior at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School. He is Washington's representative on the Pro Football Hall of Fame selection committee and the author of seven books, most recently, "Washington Redskins: The Complete Illustrated History." A pre-game regular on 106.7-The Fan the last three Redskins seasons, he has been its columnist since March 2011.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Unions angered by Postal Service's Staples outlets

- The opening of Postal Service retail centers in dozens of Staples stores around the country is being met with threats of protests and boycotts by the agency's unions.

The new outlets are staffed by Staples employees, not postal workers, and labor officials say that move replaces well-paying union jobs with low-wage, nonunion workers.

"It's a direct assault on our jobs and on public postal services," said Mark Dimondstein, president of the 200,000-member American Postal Workers Union.

The dispute comes as the financially struggling Postal Service continues to form partnerships with private companies, and looks to cut costs and boost revenues. The deal with Staples began as a pilot program in November at 84 stores in California, Georgia, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania as a way make it easier for customers to buy stamps, send packages or use Priority and certified mail.

Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe said the program has nothing to do with privatization and everything to do with customer service and driving up demand for the agency's products.

"The privatization discussion is a ruse," Donahoe said in an interview. "We have no interest in privatizing the Postal Service. We are looking to grow our business to provide customer convenience to postal products."

Staples spokeswoman Carrie McElwee referred questions about union concerns to the Postal Service. She said the company "continually tests new products and services to better meet the needs of our customers."

Union leaders fear that if the Staples program is successful, the Postal Service will want to expand it to more than 1,500 of the company's other stores. That could siphon work and customers away from nearby brick-and-mortar post offices, taking jobs from postal workers and even leading traditional post offices to close.

Union leaders have been visiting Staples stores to meet with managers, asking them to share the union's displeasure with upper management.

Dimondstein asked to meet with the Staples CEO Ronald Sargent, who has declined.

The union plans to hold "sustained" protests this month at Staples stores in the San Francisco and San Jose, Calif., area that would be expanded elsewhere. Union officials also are considering how they can exert pressure on Staples shareholders.

"If Staples insists on continuing to refuse to staff those stores with postal workers, we're going to urge people to take their business elsewhere," Dimondstein said.

The union says it's not asking to shut down the program. It wants the counters to be run by postal employees, not workers hired by Staples. The average postal clerk earns about $25 an hour, according to the union, plus a generous package of health and retirement benefits. The Staples post office counters are run by nonunion workers often making little more than the minimum wage.

The Postal Service increasingly has looked to work with the private sector to help increase business. In November, it announced a lucrative deal with Deal Now to begin package delivery on Sunday.

The agency has struggled for years with declining mail volume, but the lion's share of its financial plight stems from a 2006 congressional requirement that it make annual $5.6 billion payments to cover expected health care costs for future retirees. It has defaulted on three of those payments. The Postal Service lost $5 billion over the past year, though operating revenue rose 1.2 percent.

So far, the Postal Service has rebuffed the union's demands.

As far as who will staff the counters, "that's Staples' business. They make their own business decisions and it has nothing to do with us," Donahoe said.

Donahoe said he'd like to see post office counters in every Staples store "as soon as possible." But he doesn't see them as replacing any of the 33,000 traditional post offices. He said he sees the program as an opportunity "to grow the business."

James O'Rourke, a professor of management at the University of Notre Dame, said the Postal Service is simply following the trend of other businesses such as banks and medical clinics opening in grocery and drug stores to get more customers and save overhead costs.

"You can't blame the union for looking suspiciously at this move, but from the perspective of postal management and postal customers, this is all good," O'Rourke said.

Donahoe acknowledged that it could save money in employee costs, but insisted that is not the agency's motivating force. Since 2008, the Postal Service has reduced its employees by more than 200,000, mainly through attrition.

"Keeping our expenses down is no different than what any other business would do," he said.

Back in 1988, the Postal Service tried a similar plan to put retail units in Sears stores in Chicago and Madison, Wis. APWU members picketed Sears headquarters in Chicago, mailed thousands of letters of protest to then Sears Chairman Ed Brennan and even cut up their Sears credit cards.

The pressure worked and a year later the program ended, with Sears saying it did not want to be at the center of a dispute between the Postal Service and the union. But the APWU's membership now is almost half of what it was 25 years ago, and unions don't carry the same clout they once did.

Dimondstein, who took the helm of his union in November and pledges a more activist approach, insists his members will bring considerable pressure on Staples.

"I think we have a lot of clout," he said. "We're in every hamlet, town, city and state in the country."

Follow Sam Hananel at

Sunday, January 19, 2014

5 Cheap Ways to Buy Global Growth in 2014

Jeff Reeves, Editor of

There's a lot of talk about how U.S. stocks have run up a lot in 2013, and that valuations are getting a bit stretched.

Right now the S&P 500 trades for a current P/E of about 19.9 and a forward P/E of 16.3 based on data from And investors should easily be able to name a few stocks that trade for tremendous earnings multiples - Amazon ( AMZN), Twitter ( TWTR) and Tesla ( TSLA) being the prime examples.

So will the run continue for these stocks? Maybe. After all, multiple expansion is the hallmark of a bull market and its not necessarily a sign of disaster to see high-growth companies trading at big valuations. I mean, AMZN stock is up 44% in the last year and 600% since 2009 with barely a downtick despite trading at a steep premium to earnings.

But if you're an investor who wants to look for some value investments as well as some growth investments, you may have to look overseas for companies trading at deep discounts to earnings, sales or book value.

Here are 5 cheap countries to consider, and the ETFs and stocks that will let you play them - without making a single trade on foreign stock exchanges:

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media, Code-global-growth-2014/.

©2014 InvestorPlace Media, LLC

Saturday, January 18, 2014

2013 was record year for Central Texas home sales

<Coupon Codesp>American-Statesman Staff

The Austin housing market set a record for home sales in 2013, topping 27,000 sales for the first time ever, new figures show.

A total of 27,298 single-family homes were sold in Central Texas last year, the Austin Board of Realtors said Friday. The previous record was set in 2006, with 26,958 sales. The 2013 sales were also a 19 percent increase over 2012, when there were 22,946 sales.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Stores & Enhancements Deliver Many New Experiences at The Mall at Millenia

Orlando, FL (PRWEB) January 15, 2014

It's been said that in life, no one ever walks in the same river twice. It could also be said that no shopper ever walks through the same Mall at Millenia twice... To remain atop the retail world, week after week and year after year, the 1.2 million square-foot luxury center offers an ever-changing and ever-evolving mix of unique-to-the-market stores and services that dazzles shoppers from across North and South America, Europe, and around the world.

Once again, The Mall at Millenia presents stylish enhancements and new retail selections ranging from extravagantly luxurious to appealingly affordable. And, once again, all are sure to attract shoppers and will surely be welcomed as the mall's most impressive lineup yet.

New Stores, New Experiences
Making their debut in time to ring in the New Year are an assortment of luxury stores, including landmark retailer Prada, whose Mall at Millenia location is one of only 250 Prada-owned retail stores in the world. Prada arrives in tandem with the exclusive Italian boutique, Versace, whose designs have been showcased in renowned museums including London's Royal College of Art, Japan's Kobe City Museum, and Chicago's National Field Museum. Yet another stunning new Mall at Millenia arrival is Saint Laurent Paris, the fashion house that revolutionized the socio-cultural landscape with the modernization of fashion and accessories.

Adding to the in-demand selection of timepieces comes a new wave including Hublot, whose keen designs symbolize the art of fusion in men's and ladies' watches. And considering its first sale was in 1848, The Mall at Millenia felt it was time to welcome one of the world's most revered watchmakers, OMEGA.

Within a series of popular new stores is the leading international brand of premium travel, business, and lifestyle accessories, TUMI; the popular European beauty retailer Sephora; and innovative software and product developer Microsoft. Also playing a role in ensuring The Mall at Millenia's standing as one of the world's leading retail centers are new additions AllSaints, with its unique brand of sharp edge clothing; the colorful collection of clothing and accessories from C. Wonder; the affordable styles of Swedish fashion retailer H&M; and the lighthearted touch of kate spade new york, which attracts shoppers with its crisp colors, graphic prints, and playful sophistication.

A day of shopping traditionally includes an appetizing grand finale. Impressing epicures is the ever-popular restaurant The Capital Grille, renowned for dry-aged steaks, fresh seafood, an award-winning wine list, and personalized, professional service.

New Looks: Success by Re-Design
In the retail version of Extreme Makeover, several standout stores have added a new sparkle to their appearance with updated designs and, in some cases, a new location. The groundbreaking design that Steve Jobs introduced in stylish essentials such as iPods, iPhones, and iPads is also on display in the sleek look of the new and greatly expanded interior and façade of the very popular Apple store. Also prompting shoppers to give a second look are the new looks of Michael Kors, the jet set fashion designer of luxury accessories and sportswear, and the updated venue of Sony, which features the latest VAIO notebooks, digital cameras, televisions, and home theater systems. Of course, Swarovski will always remain a cut above, especially in a pleasing new setting that showcases their cut crystal objet d'arts.

Perhaps shoppers will agree that the sweetest makeover of all can be found at Godiva Chocolatier, creator of the world's most elegant, hand-crafted chocolates.

On Top of New Trends Since 2000
As newly-arrived retailers complement newly-renovated stores, it's important to recognize that a long-term collection of global brands and landmark retailers is what sets The Mall at Millenia apart. In this one magnificent center, shoppers will find the classic fragrances of Chanel; the timeless timepieces of the legendary Rolex brand; the much-heralded luxury leather goods of Louis Vuitton; and the diverse collection of the famed fashion authority, Gucci. For customizable jewelry, who wouldn't love to open a gift box from pandora jewelry; display the stylish casual luxury of Hollister, Co.; and sport the 'preppy-bohemian luxe' line of one of America's hottest young designers, Tory Burch.

Shoppers are always impressed by the sophistication of international brands including America's Department Store, Macy's; the upscale collections featured within Neiman Marcus; and America's only nationwide, full-line, upscale department store, Bloomingdale's.

In 2014, it's clear that for shoppers past and present, the time to visit The Mall at Millenia is now... and always.

About The Mall at Millenia
Conveniently located just minutes from every major attraction in Orlando, The Mall at Millenia's overall shopping experience includes the opportunity to partake in a wide range of experience-enhancing services and amenities, including personal shoppers, trunk and fashion shows, special signature events, full-service salons, valet parking, a full-service concierge, currency exchange, multi-lingual staff and VIP "meet and greet" program, as well as an onsite U.S. post office with international shipping.

Daily shopping hours are Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. until 9 p.m. and Sunday, 11 a.m. until 7 p.m. Many restaurants are open through midnight 7-nights per week. For more information, call (407) 363-3555 or visit the Mall's website at

About The Forbes Company
Based in Southfield, Mich., The Forbes Company is a developer of award-winning luxury shopping centers, owning and managing more than 4.5 million square feet of retail and dining space in three acclaimed properties in Florida and one in Michigan. The Forbes Company brings the best of the retail world into environments that are architecturally significant in their use of the finest materials and breathtaking aesthetics. Combined with remarkable events and deluxe customer amenities, these shopping and dining experiences are nothing short of superb.

A paradigm of The Forbes Company portfolio - The Mall at Millenia in Orlando, The Gardens Mall in Palm Beach Gardens, Waterside Shops in Naples, and The Somerset Collection in Troy, Michigan - complement their respective communities. For more information, please visit

About Taubman Centers, Inc.
Taubman Centers, Inc., a real estate investments trust, owns, develops, acquires and operates regional shopping centers nationally. Taubman Centers currently owns and/or manages 26 urban and suburban regional and super regional shopping centers in 14 states. Taubman Centers is headquartered in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.


For more information, contact:
Brenda Lounsberry, Marketing Director

Christine Haughney, Tourism Marketing Director

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

VaporCigaretteDeals Suggests E Cigs Users to Buy Cheap Electronic Cigarettes in 2014

Deerfield Beach, FL -- ( SBWIRE) -- 01/14/2014 -- The year 2013 has experienced some massive changes and the most shocking of all has to be the sudden price hike on tobacco cigarettes. The financial meltdown in 2013 has resulted in many products increasing their prices but the tobacco cigarette price has affected the buyers majorly. And unable to quit the habit of smoking cigarettes smokers were instead looking for effective alternatives. The most effective smoking alternative is the e cigarette smoking. Many review sites for e cigarettes suggest smokers to Best Deals Electronic Cigarettes in 2014.

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The official spokesperson of the website added, "On our site VaporCigaretteDeals we revealed that major percentage of smokers are unable to cope up with the sudden hike in the price of e cigarettes and at the same time mistake the stylish looking e cigarettes to be expensive. But the actual fact is disclosed by our site as we suggest the smokers to Buy Cheap Electronic Cigarettes in 2014 from the affordable brands listed on our site."

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About is an electronic cigarette review website that reviews some of the top brands of electronic cigarettes available in the international market.

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Monday, January 13, 2014

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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Bulls sign forward Cartier Martin to 10-day contract

<Buy Cheapp>

MILWAUKEE - The Bulls have found their replacement for Luol Deng, at least technically.

The team signed Cartier Martin to a 10-day contract, and the veteran forward was in uniform Friday night.

"We're excited to have him," coach Tom Thibodeau said. "He has worked his way into the league (as an undrafted player). He came up the hard way. We like that about him. He can play multiple positions, and he has shown he can shoot the 3."

The 6-foot-7, 220-pound Martin has played for the Warriors, Wizards and Hawks in his six NBA seasons. He appeared in 25 games (two starts) for the Hawks this season, averaging 6.6 points and shooting 40.5 percent from 3-point range. He is a career 38.5 percent 3-point shooter.

Martin, wearing uniform No. 15, becomes the third Kansas State alumnus in Bulls history, joining Bob Boozer and Ed Nealy.

Tough Taj: One second, Taj Gibson was scrambling for a loose ball with the Bucks' Khris Middleton. The next, he was holding his right wrist and wincing in pain.

Gibson left the game with less than two minutes left in the first quarter and got medical attention on the bench. But he returned for the start of the second quarter.

Thibodeau praised Gibson before the game, citing him as a player who is equally adept at starting and coming off the bench.

Asked if he was ready to anoint an every-game starter to replace Deng, Thibodeau replied: "The more important question is how are we going to finish. I don't get caught up in who starts. We need both units to play well. We have a number of guys who do both well. Like Taj, you can start him or bring him off the bench and he will play the same. Mike Dunleavy is one of those guys."

Layups: Thibodeau said he likes what point guard Marquis Teague has done for the Iowa Energy of the Development League, and he might send forward Erik Murphy there. Entering Friday, Murphy had logged just five minutes in the last 10 games. In six games with Iowa, Teague is averaging 12 points on 45.6 percent shooting with 5.2 assists and 3 turnovers per game. ... Friday's Heat-Nets game featured nicknames on the back of jerseys, such as "J. Shuttlesworth" for Ray Allen and "King James" for LeBron James. Does Thibodeau like the idea? "Well, I'm waiting for them to do that with the media," he replied. Does he have nicknames in mind? "Oh, I do," he said.